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OSDH Seeking Public Input to Develop Statewide Family Support Network

For Release: December 3, 2019 - Jamie Dukes, Office of Communications (405) 271-5601

The Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) and the Oklahoma Family Support Network (OFSN) is seeking input from organizations as well as private and public agencies to monitor and enhance the development of an effective statewide family support network.

Public input is requested from individuals who are willing to provide feedback by completing a brief questionnaire available through Dec. 20. By taking the survey, participants have the opportunity to share input regarding community resources in their area. Responses will help inform the ongoing development of the Oklahoma Family Support Network.

The Oklahoma Family Support Network seeks to promote positive outcomes for all children, families, and communities by leveraging the collective impact of statewide networks and championing quality family support and strengthening practices and policies. Information is being gathered statewide to collect information about established Family Resource Centers (FRC) and community-based resources and to help identify the public’s basic understanding of FRCs and the National Family Support Network. Additionally, the survey will help to assess interest in the OFSN and the development of a statewide resource directory. Officials want to know about existing resources for families and children in communities across the state, and how those resources can be brought together to work collectively.

The survey focuses on awareness, availability, and use of community resources which target children and families. The information will help determine what community-specific programs individuals are aware of and are currently being implemented as well as what is needed.

For questions or more information about the Oklahoma Family Support Network Community Survey, contact the Oklahoma State Health Department, Family Support and Prevention Office by phone, (405) 271-7611 or by email, LachezE@health.ok.gov

Survey graphic


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